Cu noi este Dumnezeu, intelegeti neamuri si va plecati...
Ce frumos...
De ce oare oamenii nu vor sa inteleaga ca viata e mai usoara cu Dumnezeu decat fara El? Da, se impun regului, legi si porunci care trebuie respectate si, de cele mai multe ori, acestea par peste puterile noastre... dar oare nu ne sunt spre folos? Pana la urma, ce ne cere Dumnezeu? Sa fim cuminti, sa ascultam de El, sa nu iesim din cuvantul lui... din cate imi aduc eu aminte, asa zicea si tata cand eram copil. Si cand eram cuminte, el se bucura si eu primeam laude si daruri. Banuiesc ca darurile lui Dumnezeu sunt mult mai mari...blandetea si inima buna, linistea si pacea, un fel de lumina de la Duhul Sfant si poate multe altele de care nici nu am auzit inca. Sa fim toti cuminti ca sa primim darurile Lui!
God is with us, all people understand and bow...
It is a beautiful statement...
Why don't people want to understand that life with God is easier than without Him? Yes, there are a lot of rules and laws to obey and, most of the time, they seem more than we can handle... but, aren't these for our benefit? What is God asking from us anyway? To be good, to listen to Him, to obey his word... as far as I can remember, so did my dad when I was a child. And, when I behaved well, he was glad and I received many praises and gifts. I suppose that God's gifts are far better than my father's... kindness and a good heart, tranquility and peace, a sort of light which comes from the Holly Spirit and, maybe, many others that I haven't heard of yet. So, let's all try to behave in order to receive God's gifts!
Why don't people want to understand that life with God is easier than without Him? Yes, there are a lot of rules and laws to obey and, most of the time, they seem more than we can handle... but, aren't these for our benefit? What is God asking from us anyway? To be good, to listen to Him, to obey his word... as far as I can remember, so did my dad when I was a child. And, when I behaved well, he was glad and I received many praises and gifts. I suppose that God's gifts are far better than my father's... kindness and a good heart, tranquility and peace, a sort of light which comes from the Holly Spirit and, maybe, many others that I haven't heard of yet. So, let's all try to behave in order to receive God's gifts!